School Learning Sessions
Historical, Educational & Environmental
The Southern Necropolis Resurrecting & Preserving History Project has been well received by the local primary schools within the Southside.
The pupils have been introduced to various education assets that the cemetery has to offer, which also compliment and promote experiences and outcomes within the curriculum :
Expressive Arts, Health & Wellbeing, Languages, Numeracy & Mathematics,
Religeous & Moral, Sciences, Social Studies, Technologies.
Throughout the set learning sessions, they will have opportunities to use and develop their literacy, numeracy and communication skills together. The Project will conclude with an organised History Walk and Litter Pick, where the pupils will have a chance to revisit some of the characters and facts about the cemetery.
While being introduced to the values of appreciating and respecting the Southern Necropolis, and its environment.
History Walk & Litter Pick at the Alexander Greek Thomson Memorial Circle
Carving letters on marble with Stuart Craig
(Monumental Sculptor)
Creating their own clay model headstones
Pupils individual Project Work Books